
Welcome to LanderTalk!

LanderTalk is a hub that is designed primarily for the good citizens of Lander to post about local news, events, items for sale, ride-shares, jobs, garage sales, housing, etc. At its heart lies an unmoderated discussion list that is designed to be a community bulletin board for Lander, WY. The list is for use by every member of the Lander community. Anyone can choose to receive this list and any subscriber can send to the list. This service is provided without charge to individual citizens, and commercial advertising is available for local businesses here on the website. The Wyoming Classifieds page is a fantastic place for adding your items for sale and reaching more people in the region than just list subscribers.

Lander, Wyoming is a strange, wonderful, and mysterious place. We are a colony full of community builders, self-organizers, and architects of character. We are visionaries, historians, mothers, fathers, ranchers, agrarians, cowboys, climbers, sportsmen, futurists, educators, facilitators, entrepreneurs, artists, seekers, and finders. Together we plan, organize and build. It is from this vantage point that I would encourage us all to contribute to the list. This is a community board designed to foster good relationships and discussion in the community. Flame-baiting, trolling, and using the list like your own personal blog are seen as negative and unwanted uses and will not earn you any points of favor with other members of the list or myself.

Please be sure to read up on the Rules For Posting before getting started. If you have advertisements for COMMERCIAL business that you would like to post please just Contact me.

Thanks, and happy posting!