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Lots of near-new ar...
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Lots of near-new archery hunting equipment (complete MXR Mission by Matthews bow)

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Selling archery equipment before a move. Everything is nearly brand new and in great condition.

Will sell by piece for 75% of listed MSRP or the best offer. Will discount further for multiple items bought together.

- MXR, Mission by Matthews Bow [picture] (MSRP: $519)
- QAD Hunter Ultrarest [picture] (MSRP: $69.95)
- Tru Ball Assassin XT Release [picture][picture] (MSRP: $79.99)

- Black Gold Ascent Mountain Lite 5-pin sight [picture][picture][picture] (MSRP: 279.95)

- Block 6x6 Archery Target (18"x18"x16") [picture][picture][picture] [picture] (MSRP: $129.99)

- 2x paradox Custom Cobra bow sling [picture] (MRSP: $29.99 ea)

- 6x Gold Tip Hunter Arrow 400 grain [picture][picture][picture] (MRSP: 59.99 all)

- Gold Tip Arrow Tube [picture] (MSRP: $29.99)
