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$500/month pet-frie...
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$500/month pet-friendly room OR whole upstairs!

6 Posts
6 Users
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Center of town, lovely house and garden, comment or email for more info!

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2

Hi Nick! I shot you a message via FB before I figured out how to work this thing. I'm very interested in this room and would love to discuss in further detail. Here's my email! -->

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 8

Hi Nick. Is this room still available?


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Posts: 1

Hi everyone on this post. My name is Sophia, I'm moving to lander in the next couple weeks and I'm looking for a room or roommates to find a place with! I have one fluffy lady cat and love to climb as much as I can on my time off! Let me know if any of you are still looking and maybe we can join forces!



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Posts: 4

@sophia-lozito, I would definitely be interested in combining forces! I am relocating from the East Coast ideally in the next 2 weeks. Also a climber(boulder, sport, newer to trad) and cat mom!!! I'm tidy, like to cook/bake, the cat is indoor/outdoor and friendly with other animals. I've been looking between Lander and Bozeman areas but essentially prefer Lander. If you're interested in chatting, my email is

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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1

@sophia-lozito hello is this still available?
